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1 pallina di gelato

€ 1.90

1 Eiskugel
- Vaniglia / Vanilla / Vanille
- Cioccolato / Schokolade
- Fragola / Strawberry / Erdbeere
- Caramello salato / salted caramel / Gesalzenes Karamell
- Malaga / Malaga ice-cream with raisins / Malaga
- Caffè / Coffee / Kaffee
- Panna-amarena Fabbri / Fabbri black cherry ice-cream / Panna-Sauerkirsche Fabbri
- Yogurt frutti di bosco / Yogurt & Forest fruits / Yoghurt mit Waldbeeren
- Yogurt pesca & arancia / Yogurt with peach & orange /Yoghurt mit Pfirsich & Orange
- Limone / Lemon / Zitrone
- Pesca / Peach / Pfirsich
- Tiramisù / Tiramisù cake ice-cream / Tiramisu
- Pistacchio / Pistachio / Pistazie
- Stracciatella / Stracciatella
- Nocciola / Hazelnut / Haselnuss
- Noci e fichi / Walnuts & figs / Walnüsse und Feigen
- Melone / Melon / Melone
- Puffo / Bubblegum flavored ice cream for kids / Kindereis mit Kaugummi-Geschmack
- Cioccomenta Fabbri /Chocolate & Mint Fabbri / Schokominze Fabbri
- Ananas / Ananas
- Fior di Latte / Milk ice-cream / Milcheis
- Cookies / Kekse-Eis mix Schokolade
- Anguria / Watermelon / Wassermelone
- Cocco / Coconut / Kokosnuss
- Nutella / Nutella

Immagine voce

Coppa nocciola

€ 8.00

Gelato alla nocciola e al latte, panna, topping alla nocciola, nocciole
Hazelnut and milk ice cream, whipped cream, hazelnut topping, hazelnuts
Haselnuss-Milch-Eis, Sahne, Haselnuss-Topping, Haselnüsse

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Coppa fragola

€ 8.00

Gelato alla frutta, fragole, panna, sciroppo alle fragole
Fruit ice cream, strawberries, whipped cream, strawberry syrup
Fruchteis, Erdbeeren, Sahne, Erdbeersirup

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Coppa nafta

€ 7.00

Gelato al latte e all'amarena, topping all'amarena, panna e amarene
Milk and black cherry ice cream, black cherry topping, whipped cream and black cherry
Milch- und Schwarzkirscheneis, Schwarzkirschen-Topping, Sahne und Schwarzkirschen

Coppa Bee (per bambini)

€ 5.00

Gelato vaniglia e cioccolato a forma d'ape, panna, topping al cioccolato e decorazioni
Vanilla & chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate topping and decorations
Vanille und Choco Ice, Sahne, Choco-Topping und Dekorationen

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Banana split

€ 7.50

Gelato al latte, banana, panna, salsa di cioccolato, granella di nocciola
Ice cream, banana, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, chopped hazelnuts
Eis, Banane, Sahne, Schokoladensauce, gehackte Haselnüsse

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Eis Kaffee / Eis Schokolade

€ 7.00

Gelato al latte, caffè o cioccolato, panna e guarnizioni al caffè o cioccolato
Milk ice cream, coffee or chocolate ice cream, whipped cream and coffee or chocolate toppings
Eis, Kaffee oder Schokolade, Sahne, Kaffeestreusel oder Schokostreusel

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Coppa amaretto

€ 8.00

Gelato al latte, amaretti, panna, topping al caramello e liquore amaretto
Ice cream, amaretti, whipped cream, caramel topping and amaretto liqueur
Eis, Amarettikekse, Sahne, Karamell-Topping und Amaretto-Likör

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Spaghetti Eis

€ 6.50

Gelato alla vaniglia, topping alla fragola, panna e cocco in scaglie
Vanilla ice cream, strawberry topping, whipped cream and flaked coconut
Vanilleeis, Erdbeer-Topping, Sahne und Kokosraspeln

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Coppa stracciatella

€ 7.00

Gelato alla stracciatella e al latte, granella di cioccolato, panna, topping al cioccolato
Stracciatella and milk ice cream, chopped chocolate, whipped cream, chocolate topping
Stracciatella- und Milcheis, gehackte Schokolade, Sahne, Schokoladenüberzug

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Coppa yogurt e frutta

€ 8.50

Gelato allo latte, panna, yogurt, frutta mista di stagione, topping ai frutti di bosco
Milk ice cream, whipped cream, yoghurt, mixed seasonal fruit, wild berry topping
Milcheis, Sahne, Joghurt, gemischtes Obst der Saison, Waldbeeren-Topping

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Coppa pistacchio

€ 8.00

Gelato al pistacchio e vaniglia, granella di frutta secca, panna, biscotto, topping al pistacchio e cioccolato
Pistachio and vanilla ice cream, dried fruit grains, whipped cream, biscuit, pistachio and chocolate topping
Pistazien- und Vanilleeis, getrocknete Fruchtkörner, Sahne, Keks, Pistazien und Schokoladenüberzug

Coppa tiramisú

€ 8.00

Gelato al tiramisú e al latte, topping al caffè, biscotto savoiardo, spolverata di cacao, panna
Tiramisú and milk ice cream, coffee topping, Savoyard biscuit, sprinkled with cocoa, cream
Tiramisú und Milcheis, Kaffee, Savoyard -Keks, mit Kakao bestreut, Sahne

Frappè 0,4L

€ 5.00

Milkshake 0,4L

Immagine voce

Panna extra

€ 1.00

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