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Consigliato dallo Chef

Egg & Fruit

€ 7.00

Sunny-side up Egg (or at choice Boiled) with Slice of Toast and Fresh Fruit
Uovo al Tegamino (o a scelta Sodo) con Pane Tostato e assaggio di Frutta Fresca

Prodotto Vegetariano
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Uova e Doppio Toast

€ 9.00

Sunny-Side up Egg (or at choice Boiled or Poached) + 1/2 Avocado Toast with Hummus + 1/2 Salmon Toast with cream cheese
Uovo al tegamino (o a scelta Sodo o in Camicia) + 1/2 Avocado Toast con Hummus + 1/2 Toast al Salmone con crema di formaggio

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Uova al Tegamino

€ 6.00

Due Uova al Tegamino servite con insalata e pomodori freschi
Two Fried Eggs served with Salad and fresh tomatoes

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Eggs and Bacon

€ 9.00

Two Sunny Side Eggs, Bacon and Potatoes
Due Uova al Tegamino, Bacon e Patate