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Carne Salada e Fagioli - 1/2 persone

€ 18.00

Carne Salada and Beans

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Salumi e formaggi misti - 1/2 persone

€ 16.00

Mixed Cold Cuts and Cheeses

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Speck e cetrioli - 1/2 persone

€ 16.00

Speck and Pickled Cucumber

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Affettati Misti, Tortel di Patate, Pomodori Secchi, Formaggi, Cetrioli sott’Aceto - 2/3 persone

€ 21.00

Mixed Cold Cuts, Potato Pancake, Sundried Tomatoes, Cheeses, Pickled Cucumbers

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Affettati misti, Tortel di Patate, Pomodori Secchi, Formaggi, Cetrioli sott’Aceto, Bretzel - 4/5 persone

€ 33.00

Mixed Cold Cuts, Potato Pancake, Sundried Tomatoes, Cheeses, Pickled Cucumbers, Bretzel

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