Recensione inviata. Grazie!
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Full H&G Brunch

€ 21.00


Uova fritte, salsiccia affumicata alla griglia, pane multicereali, avocado, fagioli rossi piccanti, cream cheese, senape all’ancienne.
Fried eggs, grilled smoked sausages, multigrain bread, avocado, Chili kidney beans, cream cheese and old-style mustard.

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Full Vegan H&G

€ 14.00


Tofu strapazzato, pane multicereali, avocado, misticanza, pomodorini confit, fagioli rossi piccanti.
Scrambled Tofu, multigrain bread, avocado, baby salad , confit tomatoes, chili kidney beans.

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Uova strapazzate, pane multicereali, bacon e avocado

€ 13.00


Eggs Benedict with home made marinated salmon on multigrain bread.

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Uova Benedict con bacon su pane multicereali

€ 12.00


Eggs Benedict with bacon on multigrain bread.

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Avocado Toast con uovo su pane multicereali

€ 10.00


Avocado Toast with egg on multigrain bread.

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Bagel con crema al formaggio e il nostro salmone marinato

€ 10.00


Bagel with cream cheese and home made marinated salmon.

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Bagel con uova strapazzate e bacon

€ 10.00


Bagel with scrambled eggs and bacon.

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Croque Monsieur

€ 10.00


Pane multicereali grigliato con prosciutto, groviera e salsa bechamel.
Grilled multigrain bread with ham, gruyere and bechamel sauce.

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Pancakes con frutta fresca e sciroppo d’acero

€ 10.00


Pancakes with fresh fruit and maple syrup.

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French toast di brioche con frutta fresca e salsa al cioccolato

€ 10.00


French toast with brioche bread, fresh fruit and chocolate sauce.

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Smoothie Bowl

€ 12.00


Frullato ghiacciato di banana, mango e frutti di bosco, frutta a pezzi e granola di cioccolato.
Iced smoothie with banana, mango and berries, with fresh mixed fruit, and chocolate granola.

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Buddha Bowl

€ 16.00


Quinoa, spinacino crudo, broccoli cbt, hummus di barbabietola, pesche in osmosi, pollo marinato cbt, vinaigrette.
Quinoa, marinated chicken ltc, raw spinach, broccoli ltc, beetroot hummus, peaches in osmosis, vinaigrette.

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Huevos revueltos di Baccalà

€ 13.00


Uova strapazzate stile spagnolo con baccalà, porro e crackers croccanti.
Spanish style scrambled eggs with cod fish, leeks and multigrain crackers.

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Hash Browns

€ 7.00


Frittelle di patate
Potato pancakes.

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€ 13.00


Wraps con pesto di peperoni arrosto, melanzane al forno, nocciole tostate, uova sode e burrata.
Wrap with roasted pepper pesto, baked aubergines, toasted hazelnuts, eggs and burrata.

Gli speciali del giorno

Gli speciali del giorno
Specials of the Day (prices may vary)

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