Recensione inviata. Grazie!

Our Calamarata according to the idea of chef Sebastiano

€ 20.00

The Calamarata of fresh pasta made by hand in its classic cylindrical and narrow shape, smooth and without rifling embellished by the intense and irresistible taste of shrimp bisque Mazzara red blends artfully into the delicate taste of fresh cherry, The soft foam of stracciatella burrata and the crunchy aromatic texture
of pistachio green italian.

Spaghetti with Veraci clams

€ 20.00

Classic appointment with the southern Mediterranean where meatballs and Veraci Clams with a sweet and delicate taste meet the rough texture of spaghetti guitar prepared by hand and the strong taste of eggs dried mullet roe powder.

Ravioli ricotta e spinaci

€ 15.00

Mezze lune di pasta fresca ripiene di ricotta e spinaci su una pappa al pomodoro e basilico fresco a guarnire

Spaghetto alla tarantina

€ 18.00

Spaghetti freschi verdi al basilico con cozze alla tarantina

Traditional Busiata

€ 18.00

Fresh pasta busiata with speck, cherry tomatoes and Bronte pistachio cream

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